Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Personal Info And Background:
Real Name: Josh
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Occupation: Warehouse rat/fitness model
Personal Website: http://no longer have one
Gym: Great Lakes Health and Fitness
Gym Location: Mi
When I Started: Nov, 2003
How I Started: Just from having realizations and revelations of my life. Understanding that most of us are blessed with healthy bodies, and we abuse them. Its not about looking perfect, just being healthy.
Why I Love It: Personal achievements, personal desire, personal motivation, personal goals...When it comes to the weights, its ALL PERsONAL!
How I Stay Motivated: My late brother Ryan, my late best friend Tony, and my family and friends. People who tell me I motivate them....I feel like I have a responsibility.
BB Accomplishments: Gaining quality mass and starting out at 148lbs at almost 6 feet tall. Signing on with Silver Models in NYC as a fitness model.
Forum Signature: Aint nothin to it but to do it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You know yourself that you look good, but the best thing about you is your face and your smile....!

  3. this is FAKE!!! haha how funny because this is actually pictures of my FRIEND,,, fake fake fake profile!

  4. you look great, and the fact you take care of yourself is awesome.
